PIECES in 35mm

Grindhouse Film Festival presents a rare 35mm print of this 1982 horror
A chainsaw wielding maniac is dismembering his victims and keeping the parts! Hard boiled actor Christopher George seems to have wandered into the wrong movie, and plays a detective trying to solve the puzzling case. Before long, the increasingly strange situations and inane dialogue begin to raise to mind blowing levels. Toss in the graphic violence and a kung fu professor, and you have one of the most entertaining horror films of all time! "You don't have to go to Texas for a chainsaw massacre!"
35mm classic horror trailers before the movie.
A chainsaw wielding maniac is dismembering his victims and keeping the parts! Hard boiled actor Christopher George seems to have wandered into the wrong movie, and plays a detective trying to solve the puzzling case. Before long, the increasingly strange situations and inane dialogue begin to raise to mind blowing levels. Toss in the graphic violence and a kung fu professor, and you have one of the most entertaining horror films of all time! "You don't have to go to Texas for a chainsaw massacre!"
35mm classic horror trailers before the movie.
Director: Juan Piquer Simón
Format: 35mm