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Movie Madness

The Camera Unleashed: Post-Matrix Action Films

The Camera Unleashed: Post-Matrix Action Films
In 1999, THE MATRIX forever changed the landscape of blockbuster cinema with its groundbreaking martial arts and gun battles, in particular - the instantly iconic bullet time sequence. It encouraged future filmmakers to embrace the expressionistic quality of CGI enhanced shots which could render camera movement in ways that were not possible in the real world.

In this class, we’ll focus on four films from the early-to-mid 2000s that delight in the cinematic possibilities that THE MATRIX revealed: a rowdy American action-comedy, a heroic bloodshed film from Tsui Hark, a French action-horror film, and the Wachowski's own follow-up to THE MATRIX TRILOGY.

9/4: TORQUE (2004, 84 min)
9/11: TIME AND TIDE (2000, 113 min)
9/18: BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF (2001, 142 min)
9/25: SPEED RACER (2008, 135 min)

This Crash Course is taught by Movie Madness staffer Kendall Beck.  Crash Course classes offer a low-intensity way to explore a filmmaker or genre, in a friendly environment shared with fellow film lovers. Unlike our MMU seminars, Crash Courses offer a more casual approach. There’s no formal lecture or discussion, but films are curated and presented by staff experts.
Films will be screened at the Movie Madness Miniplex.  Classes will begin on Wednesday, September 4th, and be held each Wednesday through the 25th, at 6:30pm.
Class size will be limited to 18.
Email us at if you have any questions.